Self-Pleasuring: Not Just for Millennials

With May being Self-Pleasuring Month, there have been a number of articles in the press about the joys of self-pleasuring. Some of these articles have taken the results of a recent poll and focused on the finding that millennials practice self-pleasuring at a higher rate than other age groups. (And since there are benefits, such as improved Female canal and male organ health, kudos to them for their efforts.) But some of these pieces make it seem as if self-pleasuring is strictly a millennials-only activity – and that’s far from the case.

According to the survey, 57% of millennials report self-gratifying weekly, which is more than any other age group. More than 40% of people between the ages of 35 and 54, for example, self-stimulate weekly. It’s clear that millennials are not the only ones taking matters into their own hands.

Guys rule
For example, 84% of Americans (admit to) self-gratifying, which breaks down to 92% of American men and 76% of American women. Not bad, men, but U.S. males are still behind some of their international peers. In Germany, 93% of men say they provide self-satisfaction, and in the UK, the figure is 96%. But Brazil beats them all, with a male self-pleasuring rate of 98%.

Men also tend to self-fondle more than women. 54% of American men self-stimulate weekly, and average 4.8 sessions per week; only 22% of women self-ignite weekly, at an average rate of 4.1 times per week.

The survey also looked at adult toys, which are part of many individuals’ and couples’ sensual lives. The survey was conducted by a adult toy manufacturer, so one may want to keep that in mind; however, according to the survey, people who have used adult toys tend to be more satisfied with their sensual activities than those who have not.

Among American men, 20% stated that they currently use adult toys, as opposed to 35% of women. But 46% of U.S. males said they were open to buying a adult toy for themselves at some point in the future. (This puts them pretty much in the middle, globally, with a high of 71% from Mexican men and 14% from Nigerian men.) One reason for this may be that partners of men who use adult toys report an overall greater satisfaction.

The survey has a great deal more information, but it ultimately reinforces what many already know: there’s a lot of self-stimulating going on. And with May as Self-Pleasuring Month, there’s likely to be a spike in that activity.

With that in mind, men who are self-celebrating should remember a few tips:

• Be sure to use lubrication. Yes, sometimes a guy can get by with a little saliva if the self-pleasuring session is of short duration. But in most instances, self-gratifying without lubrication can lead to a raw, painful member.

• Watch out for death grips. Squeezing the manhood too tightly for too long can lead to a diminishment of feeling in the male organ – and no guy wants that.

• Clean up afterward. Some men who self-stimulate at bedtime just wipe the seed off on their member and fall asleep. Dried seed can contribute to male organ odor issues, which can be a turn-off to many partners.

Millennials and boomers alike enjoy self-pleasuring, as does every adult age group. And it will be more pleasurable if a guy’s equipment is kept in good health through the use of a top notch male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a crème that includes a combination of moisturizing agents (such as shea butter and vitamin E) to help soothe a sore member which has been worked over a bit too much. And find a crème with L-arginine, the neuroprotective properties of which can help restore diminished manhood sensation due to aggressive handling.

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving manhood sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

Skin Cancer Causes: Crucial Facts and Frequently Asked Questions

Most people fail to identify these abnormal cells in their body until it has caused much damage and escalated to very severe levels. There are different types of cancer, classified mainly by the body area that they affect. One of the most typical types of cancer is skin cancer. Ensure to read to the end of this article if you want to learn more about this type of cancer.

Skin Cancer and Its Causes

Skin cancer also involves the growth of abnormal cells on the skin, and it is mainly caused by excess exposure of the skin to the sun. There are several causes of skin cancer, and there are also some facts and frequently asked questions about skin cancer that demand extra attention. Here are some must-known facts and tips about skin cancer that can help you prevent your skin from being affected.

Children are Affected More Easily: The Skin Cancer Foundation established that a single severe sunburn could cause malignant melanoma in the long run for children less than six months old. Mild sunburns can also accumulate to double the risk for children, which is why it is advised that children under six months should be kept away from the sun.
Smoking and Skin Cancer: Many people have raised concerns over the relationship between smoking and skin cancer. Many others have inquired if smoking increases the risk of developing skin cancer. The simple answer is yes. Research in the Netherlands showed that smokers face a significantly increased chance of being infected by squamous cell carcinoma. It also showed that the risk increases further with every cigarette smoked.
Hereditary Skin Cancer: While it is not clear if skin cancer can be inherited, it is already .obvious that skin type and color can. Hence, people who inherit fair skins and lighter eyes are more likely to get sunburned even from the slightest exposure. This set of people is advised to be cautious and take preventive measures whenever they go outside.
Effectiveness of Sunscreens: Sunscreens go down as one of the best shields against sunburns. However, the question of its effectiveness has been questioned a few times. The truth is that sunscreens help shield the skin from excessive sun rays that cause sunburns. But sunscreens are only effective for a limited period, and they cannot function if they are not correctly applied.
Glass Windows and Sun Rays: it is a common belief that windows keep out dangerous sun rays, but it is not entirely true. Glass windows are excellent for preventing UV-B rays, but they are not very practical for UV-A rays. This means that your skin may not be completely safe, even behind glass windows.
Bottom Line

Skin clinic – Skin cancer is recognized worldwide as a dreaded disease, and it is more common because many factors cause it. However, you can avoid skin cancer to a great extent by following expert prevention tips. Also, ensure that you do not keep your skin exposed to harsh sunlight for an extended period.

Get a Maximum Whiplash Compensation Whiplash Compensation is a Form of Reimbursement for all the ex

Whiplash Compensation is a form of reimbursement for all the expenses and inconveniences brought about by the injuries sustained from an accident. It compensates for the personal injuries caused by the negligence of others. Whiplash compensation entitles the claimant to claim for the losses and expenses incurred from the accident. The amount of compensation that will be granted to a claimant will depend on several factors.

The court takes into consideration important key points like the severity of the injury, the duration of the pain and the period of recovery. Compensation for whiplash is awarded depending on the extent of the injury. There’s a bracket for minor whiplash injuries with a recovery period within 1 year to 2 year period. Another range is for moderate whiplash injury which has a slow period of recovery. Compensation for severe whiplash will depend on the severity of the injury.

Whiplash compensation is divided into General Damages and Special Damages.

General Damages

General Damages compensates the claimant for the non-monetary side of the injury. It includes the pain, suffering, and loss of amenity; loss of employment opportunity; future loss of earnings, lost of pension, and future loss of medical expenses, care and aids.

Special Damages

Special Damages compensates the claimant for quantifiable monetary losses incurred as result of the accident. It is the reimbursement for the financial losses and expenses experienced by the claimant. Special damages includes loss of earnings, medical and care expenses, travelling expenses and other expenses.

Two kinds of loss of earnings can be granted to the injured person. It can be loss of actual earning or future loss of earning. Calculation of loss of earnings requires the claimant’s employment details. Future loss of earnings is quite complex because the court will assess the level of pay increase, benefits and other factors.

Medical and care expenses include expenses for prescription and non-prescription medicines, hospital expenses, treatment like physiotherapy, and cost of care provided by Social Services, private agency, family members or friends. It also includes cost of employing others to help the injured person in cleaning, gardening and decorating.

Travelling expenses covers the cost incurred due to the claimant’s inability to travel in a normal condition like regular visit to the doctor or hospital, appointment with a medical expert and other trips.

Other expenses include repair or replacement of cars, repair or replacement of damaged belongings like clothes and jewellery and other utility expenses needed.

People seeking compensation for whiplash injuries need expert legal advice to achieve the maximum compensation for their claim.