How An Exquisite Customized Design Of Wine Cellar Reinforces The Charm Of Living

Does your choice of wines vary with your mood? Well then you must belong to that league of society who knows the true definition of refinement and elegance. Your aesthetic sense drives you to taste the purity by taking the sip of wine. You then must have a habit of buying number of bottle with no intention of drinking them right away. In that case, you need to have a proper wine storage zone in your house. Most of the wines available in the market do not claim the benefit of long-term persistence. Hence you must need to have a wine cellar built in your house making it serve this purpose being a hub of merriment at the same time.

There are simple few steps you need to follow if you are planning to have a wine storage place with a custom wine cellar design in your home.

 Firstly, you must know heat is very dangerous for wine. It has adverse effect on the wines. The temperature raging above 70oF will make the wine age faster than desired. The wines will lose all the flavours and tastes if the temperature is not exactly what your wines require. The ideal temperature should remain between 45oF to 65oF.

Again too cold a place will make the cork dry and air will seep into the bottle and spoil the taste completely. Wine can be therefore stored in the refrigerator for not more than 2 months as the temperature quite obviously fall below 45oF to keep the other cooked foods in it safe.

Steady temperature is what is more important than achieving the ideal temperature of 55oF. If the temperature fluctuates frequently it will hamper the steadiness of the liquid inside the bottles due to contraction and expansion of the wine often making it succumb to seepage through the corks.

Have you ever wondered why the wine bottles are coloured and not white usually? The reason is to protect it from light, especially the UV rays of sunlight that may cause damage of the fluid inside the bottle. The coloured glass acts like a sunglass to the wine in the bottle. Hence, it is recommended to keep the lights turned off as much as you can. Though the bulbs of your house are not that harsh towards the wine, but in the long run it may fade the labels.

It is said that 70% humidity is ideal for wine storage the reason being if the corks dry up, it may let the air get into the bottle and damage the wine. This indeed happens, but practically your wine bottle corks have less number of chances to get dried up unless you are in the arctic regions. So, the percentage of humidity can range between 50-75%. Wine cellar cooling unit, thus, should maintain the balance between temperature and humidity in your wine racks.

Thus, devising an artistic wine cellar with magnificent wine cellar designs is not a quite hard job to do.

Author Bio: Jane Ford, a home owner, speaks in her article about her magnificent custom wine cellar design of her wine racks and the steps she followed to make the cellar devising a proper wine cellar cooling unit.

Caveat Loans are a Boon for every Business Owner in need of Quick Cash

Specialised lenders/credit providers can solve the cash flow problem of business owners with the help of a caveat loan (sometimes referred to as a short-term 2nd mortgage). The loan is ideal for business owners because:

>> Bank style credit approvals are not required

>> Tax returns are not required

>> No credit checks are undertaken on your credit history as bad credit history is not relevant

Interestingly, a caveat loan is not only right for a business owner but it can also be beneficial to a property developer or an investor.

Caveat Loans – Definition

They are fast settling loans, which are structured for a short-term of usually between 1 to 12 months, with a possible rollover (if required).

In contrast to conventional forms of finance, caveat loans need to be established quickly (i.e. within 24 hours from the time the application is first lodged).

How does a Caveat Loan work?

These loans are simply an ‘asset lend.’ For caveat loans, all you need is to be the owner of a piece of real estate. Here is a list of residential, commercial, industrial or specialised securities that the loans are commonly secured against:

>> A home or a unit

>> Vacant land

>> Medical centres

>> Child care centres

>> Commercial properties

>> Rural land, farmland or agricultural land

>> Acreage (with no limit), etc.

How are Caveat Loans Structured?

>> They are structured just for a short-term of 1 to 12 months period

>> They generally have a five day “fast-settlement”

What is the Loan Exit Strategy and how are Caveat Loans Repaid?

The loan exit strategy is where the borrower agrees to pay the loan back to the lender/credit provider at a predetermined time (usually between 1 to 12 months).

The repayment of the loan can be done by one of the following methods:

>> You can refinance the loan

>> You can sell the asset

>> You can use any business cash flow or commissions due to you

What Other Reasons do Business People Choose for obtaining Caveat Loans?

Here is a list of many reasons (scenarios) why business people choose the loan:

>> A common use of the loan is if business people require funds for bridging between the selling of a property and the funding of an urgent requirement;

>> Having the required cash flow in hand by way of the loan has helped many business people to pay off their debts and thereby enabling them to go on with the running of their business;

>> It may be that business people want to expand their business, and they need additional funds to enable them to fulfil their business goals;

>> They may want to attend an auction and the need to transfer the funds right after the auction ends; or

>> They may simply have a business deal that is too good to let go, and they currently do not have the required cash to pursue this business deal.

So, now you know how caveat loans can help you. More importantly, you also know that the loans can help you with any unexpected urgent commercial debts that you have to pay before any legal process is taken against you (e.g. default or court judgement) or before you are charged with late fees.

Singh Finance helps business owners in securing finance for their business. The firm’s expert finance brokers will help you in securing quick caveat loans as well as help you in obtaining business equipment finance and short term business loans. Call on 0424 190 908 or enquire online now.

8 Tips on Home Storage and Organizing Solutions for Fall from Stacks & Stacks Homewares

As fall days get shorter, leaves put on a glorious show, mornings need sweaters, and our homes and closets practically call out be organized and made cozy for winter.

Somehow, finding home storage solutions and getting organized helps us deal with the transitions in our lives, and Fall’s a great time to cut down on clutter, spruce up your home for winter, and break out the slow cooker for stews.

There’s no one “right” way to get organized, says Stacks & Stacks organizer Harriet Schechter, author of ‘Let Go of Clutter’. “You have to do what works for you. It’s important to come up with a reasonable way of being organized so you and your family can actually find things. I recommend cleaning out first and then getting the storage boxes, containers, shelving units, tools and other storage solutions that will help you stay organized.”

Here are eight home storage solutions and winterization tips from Stacks & StacksHomewares to help you find the best organizational tools and products to get your home in shape.

- Containerize. Stackable containers, storage cabinets, and shelving units are great organizing solutions for the limited space most of us deal with. (So is throwing stuff out, by the way.)
- Get ready for entertaining at home. As the landscape changes, it’s fun to create new spots in your home where friends and family can gather. Think about adding this retro table and chairs, for example.
- Prepare for at-home sports or movie nights. An old-fashioned popcorn machine on the entertainment console means not missing a minute of the show.
- Get cozy. Stock up on with warm throws for nights with a chill in the air.
- Make sure windows and doors are well-sealed so cold air won’t leak in.
- Winterize your garden. Cut back shrubbery, repair hoses and sprinklers and organize your garden tools so you can find them in spring.
- Change the filters in your furnace. Regular maintenance now can save you a bundle for a full-fledged breakdown or repair during the winter.
- Get ready for holiday travel. Holidays are just around the corner, and now’s a great time to update your luggage, organize your car’s trunk (yes, really, some people are that organized!) and get ready to scrape ice off the windshield with the aid of this nifty heated ice scraper.

You can find lots more ways to get organized, cozy, and winterized in the new Stacks & Stacks Fall Living Guide

Core Facts
1. 8 tips on home storage and organizing solutions for Fall from Stacks & Stacks Homewares
2. Home storage solution: containerize with stackable containers, storage cabinets and shelving units to make the most of limited space. (Getting rid of stuff is a great solution too, by the way.)
3. Get ready for holiday travel. Holidays are just around the corner, and now is a great time to update your luggage, organize your car’s trunk (yes, really, some people are that organized!) and get ready to scrape ice off the windshield.

Stacks and Stacks has been a leader and pioneer in offering products to organize and furnish homes, offices, and gardens since 1984. For over 26 years we have searched for, and then tested products to find the best quality at the best prices. We now offer over 40,000 items on our site, with over 30,000 of them shipping for free.
